Custom modular homes built to suit any budget and lifestyle.
Hunter Valley Modular Homes is an experienced and reputable homebuilder servicing across NSW. Specialising in projects that are beyond your standard project home. Whether it’s a difficult block, remote location or custom design, Hunter Valley Modular Homes will work closely with you to create your dream home design that meets your budget and needs.
Our Process
Pick your design
We will sit with you and work out the finer details and any customisation required for your chosen design
Surveys are obtained and detailed plans are completed. Drafting plans takes approximately 2-3 weeks, depending on the detail required on the plans. Which are then submitted to council for approval
We get started on your dream home! Our standard build time is approximately 6 months for all new homes unless you are advised otherwise. When the build and final checks have all been completed it's time to put your home on a truck and install it on your block.
Full installation and connections of services takes approximately 4 weeks after delivery, depending on what work needs to be done on-site and timelines set by third-party contractors. Once this is complete, you are ready to move into your new home!

"We build aeroplanes, boats, motor vehicles and caravans in factories. Quality controlled production lines, sustainable materials and finishes are on hand. Modular buildings are factory built and site delivered." - Kevin Snell FAIA NSW Registration 3784, Studio Snell

Hunter Valley Modular Homes allow great flexibility for individual design. Client meetings establish site constraints and opportunities. The Client’s brief is molded into an individual bespoke building. Modular buildings are easily adapted to staged development as needs change.

Construction timetables are able to be managed and achieved ensuring completion dates are met. Design flexibility, construction quality, time saving all result in cost saving and excellent value for money. The current Studio Snell Design Series represent 25 years of experience and innovation, positioning Hunter Valley Modular Homes as industry leaders.
Why choose modular?
Designed with you in mind
Land today. Build tomorrow
Flexible designs for a flexible life
Easy on the eye and the environment