Modular Home Transportation

How can a whole house be built in a factory, then transported on a truck to my land?

It seems impossible that an entire house can be built in a factory and then transported to your building site.  It’s even more hard to believe that once this type of home is installed onsite, it’s impossible to tell it’s any different from a home that was built using the old, traditional process onsite.

Hard to believe…but true.  How does it happen?

Interestingly, these homes are built as complete houses in our factory, very similarly to the way homes are built onsite.  The major differences are that they are built on a steel chassis (which gives them massive strength that enables them to be transported) and their frames are laid out in sizes that enables them to be broken up into modules for transport.

Broken up???….sounds like the house will look like a mess! 

No need to worry.  When the homes are built in the factory, special joints are allowed for that makes pulling them apart for transport easy.  These modules are then joined together onsite.  Once joined, it’s not possible to tell where the joints were.  The home’s interiors looks exactly like a house that has been built onsite from the ground up.

Why would you build a modular home?

  • Modular Homes are built undercover, in a quality-controlled environment that’s not affected by rain.  This type of construction is the way of the future.
  • They are typically built much faster than site-built homes.
  • They are more economical…so you get more bang for your buck.
  • Site works are kept to a minimum.  Yes, some concrete footings need to be poured in place but once your new home arrives it’s mostly complete with only a few finishing touches to go.
  • Your houses frame is never left exposed to the elements because it’s already way past “lock-up” stage when it arrives.

Now that you know how it’s done, perhaps a modular home is something you might like to consider.

What to think about when choosing the plan for your modular home

One of the great things about choosing a Hunter Valley Modular Home, is that you get a huge range of pre-drawn plans to choose from.  These designs are based on years of experience.  They are plans that really work in terms of flow, practical room layouts, handy storage and a creating a home that feels great to live in.

These are a fantastic starting point.  In fact, we find most of our clients find a design that really works for them, and only make a small tweak or two.

So, how do you choose which designs to start from?  Here is a quick list to help you.

  1. Think about your site and the orientation of your house

A good place to start is deciding where the main living area should go?  Think about where north is – this is where most of the sun will come from.  If possible, it’s ideal to choose a design that allows for your main living area to be facing north.

It’s important to also think about where the best views would be.  It’s great if these two things coincide, with the northern side of the house also having the best views, but it’s rare that you can be so lucky.

Another key issue is where the bedrooms should be located. Ideally these should be facing away from the biggest source of noise – normally the road.  It’s also a good idea to position them on the most shaded side.  Normally this is the south, but it depends on the location, and things like surrounding homes, trees etc

  • Think about how you live (now and in the future)

If you’re empty nesters, having a bedroom that works well for when your kids come back home to visit from out of town might be important.  If you work from home, a study is obviously important. 

If your kids are teenagers, a master bedroom that’s positioned away from the others might be important.  It’s also important to think a few years ahead.  For example, your kids might be 10 and 12 right now, but in a few short years they will be teenagers and your needs will change.

  • Think about your budget

One of the big advantages to modular homes is that they can grow with your needs.  You might fall in love with a larger home but don’t have the budget to suit.  With Hunter Valley Modular Homes, you can build a home with one or two bedrooms (plus kitchen and living/dining) now, then add more bedrooms at a later date as your available budget increases.

These are just some introductory ideas.  Our Team are on hand to help you consider all the issues that go into choosing the best design to suit your needs.

How is a Modular Home Built?

A lot of people think a Modular Home is some sort of pod structure that’s made in China from some sort of exotic plastic materials, then shipped to Australia and plonked on a site.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is that Hunter Valley Modular Homes are built right here in our factory on the Central Coast.  Our homes are built using the exact same techniques and materials as homes that are built “on-site”.  (Except for boring old bricks of course).  This means timber or steel frames, fibre cement or timber cladding, good quality insulation, plasterboard internal linings, ceramic tiles and even stone benchtops.  Everything you’d expect in your home is available. 

The main differences are:

  • Modular Homes are built undercover, in a quality-controlled environment that’s not affected by rain.  This type of construction is the way of the future.
  • They are typically built much faster than site-built homes.
  • They are more economical…so you get more bang for your buck.
  • Site works are kept to a minimum.  Yes, some concrete footings need to be poured in place but once your new home arrives it’s mostly complete with only a few finishing touches to go.
  • Your houses frame is never left exposed to the elements because it’s already way past “lock-up” stage when it arrives.

So, if it’s important to you that your new home is built to suit your custom requirements, to your budget, and in a reasonable time period…maybe you should consider stepping into the future of building and selecting a Modular Home!